Green Hands: Tree Planting & White Letter Hairstreak Survey at Central Park
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
When: 10:00am - 3:00pm
We have teamed up with Argyle Community Trust as part of a green social prescribing programme to run free 'Green Hands' events in Central Park.
Join Green Minds and Plymouth Environmental Action through these free ‘Green Hands’ sessions! Get active and learn light-touch wildlife conservation and heritage skills. On Wednesday 8th December, we’ll be tree planting along Elm Avenue and we’re being joined by Jess from DBRC (Devon Biodiversity Records Centre) to look for a very special butterfly! The White-Letter Hairstreak is a rare butterfly found on a few elm trees in Central Park – help us look for the butterfly eggs, learn about this amazing species and how to identify trees in winter.
For more details, visit or email Plymouth Environmental Action at
Click here to book your place (