Webinar: Naturally Inspired Sustainability Leadership
Date: Thursday, July 7, 2022
When: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/naturally-inspired-sustainability-leadership-tickets-344186710717
Join this webinar to find out more about the role of naturally inspired leadership in our sustainable place-making for cities
Join this webinar on Naturally Inspired Sustainability Leadership with Realise Earth, an organisation with expertise in sustainability leadership networks and facilitation and Green Minds, an Urban Innovative Actions (ERDF) funded partnership programme that is developing and testing new ways of thinking about and acting on nature in the city.
In the context of sustainable place-making for cities, what is the role of nature within our decision-making? Green Minds decided to explore this question with a cohort of multi-disciplinary professionals, supported by Realise Earth. Find out more about what we did, the impact of the programme and connect with a wider group of professionals who care about sustainability.