Central Park golf course improvements!

One of Green Communities’ exciting improvement projects in Central Park is the golf course planting scheme in collaboration with Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest (PSDCF).

Early last year we met with Jez, one of the golf course managers, and he explained to us how he wanted to 'shape the course with nature', to help direct players around and make the site more visually appealing. Not only will this be great for the people who use the course, it’ll also be a brilliant boost for wildlife around the area!

We have been working hard alongside the golf course team so we're ready to put trees in the ground this winter. We have a planting design, below, which will make this space even better for wildlife and for people.

We are planting over 1000 trees through the course, this includes a mix of small and large native trees (with locations carefully chosen to consider surrounding views), edible shrubs and hedgerow. We will also be sowing approximately 1000m² of wildlife meadow.

We want to make sure the community is involved throughout this process. In this survey, you'll have the opportunity to comment on what you think of the planting plans, as well as choosing which plants you'd like to see around the golf course. Keep an eye on our socials (@Nature Plymouth on Facebook) and on our events page for any up and coming planting days for you to get involved in!