Green Communities team has hit the ground running!
Our new Green Communities team came together in September this year, 3 months ago, and they have certainly been busy...
Three months ago, the Green Communities partnership project launched with the aim of helping to shape nature neighbourhoods in Devonport, Central Park, and Keyham and the West of the City.
In those short 3 months, all our new team members have been brought on board and have already....
- Been involved in 31 events, ranging from guided walks, to free family events, community forums, and citizen science!
- Engaged with 500 people across Central Park, Devonport, and Keyham/West of City
- Planned out 3 campaigns for 2024
- Worked with people across these communities, local groups, youth groups, schools, social enterprises, and so many more amazing people!
We can't wait for 2024!