Keyham Mini Police & Green Minds receive award!

The Mini Police from three local schools have received an award for their work with Green Minds in the Keyham greenspaces!

The Mini Police from Ford Primary School, Drake Primary School, and Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School, have received a ‘Citizens in Policing Award’ alongside Green Minds for their amazing contribution to the greenspaces of Keyham.

Representatives from Green Minds, the schools, and Mini Police programme, accepted the award at The Plymouth Police Commander’s Awards Ceremony, following the nomination by PC Deb Hart:

“I am nominating the Mini Police Programs of Keyham Barton, Drake Primary, and Ford Primary for their fantastic work on the Greenspaces in Keyham.

In 2021, Green Minds and the Mini Police worked with the Keyham Recovery team to coordinate plans for the greenspaces in Keyham. This included supporting daffodil bulb-planting events organised by the Mini Police in North Down Crescent Park. Community feedback showed that many people would like to see more wildflowers in the Keyham greenspaces. The project aims to help Plymouth become a better place for wildlife and support communities taking rewilding action.

In November of 2021, as part of their social action project, the Mini Police from Keyham Barton worked in partnership to plant daffodil bulbs in their local park and carried out litter picking. The Mini Police from the school wanted to do something for their community and environment so together working with our partnership agencies, we were able to make this happen.

As a result of this success, the Mini Police groups from Keyham Barton, Drake Primary, and Ford Primary, were asked if they would be interested in creating a wildflower meadow in one of the greenspaces.

On 31st March, all 3 local schools came together with 75 Mini Police pupils agreeing to take part in a joint social action day in North Down Crescent Park. This is where the wildflower meadow was created, working together in partnership with Green Minds, Devon Wildlife Trust, Pollenize, and the Keyham Police Team. They all worked brilliantly together to create this beautiful wildflower meadow space. This has instilled a real sense of pride and belonging in the children for their community.

It is for this amazing support of their communities that I am nominating the Mini Police Programs of Keyham Barton, Drake Primary and Ford Primary.”

We’re looking forward to working with the Mini Police again in 2023!