Wild words at The Village Hub!
As part of the Green Minds collaboration with the Boat Poets, The Village Hub in Stoke welcomed Boat Poet, Chris White, to host a nature-themed writing workshop.
During the workshop, the writers explored what a language of rewilding means to them, through writing prompts and exercises which Chris led. As well as rewilding, the writers explored their relationship with water, and even took part in a 7 minute poetry challenge- having only 7 minutes to compose a nature-inspired piece.
The workshop formed part of the project's exploration of what a language of rewilding is, and how we can use creative writing as a way to connect with nature.
The group was so inspired by the workshop that they are looking to plan an open mic night in Stoke for World Poetry Day in March next year. Watch this space...
Find out more about the creative projects taking place through Green Minds here.