Location: Meadow Cafe

Thanks for stopping by. Here you can learn about the wildlife in the park, live data and how the two are interconnected.

White-letter Hairstreaks...

...are the pollinator of this location.


White-letter Hairstreak butterflies are small butterflies, about the size of an adult human’s thumbnail. They have a white ‘W’ mark across the underside of their wings and settle with their wings closed. The species declined during the 1970s in the UK, due to the loss of elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease. They are recovering in places and we have some living here in Central Park!

Where to see them

On a sunny day, look around the area opposite the Pitch and putt café in Central Park. They fly in spiralling patterns and can be hard to spot as they spend much of their time high up in elm trees, which are the food plant for their caterpillars. The butterflies sometimes come down to feed on nectar from shrubs, creeping thistle, bramble and ragwort.

When to see them

Adult butterflies are usually seen flying around on a warm sunny day between July and mid-August.

Current weather in the park

Below you can see real-time weather information from the nearby environmental sensor. Is it the season to spot this species? Check if you can correlate the changes in temperature and humidity with the chance of spotting this species in the park.

Air temperature

In the sighting season, you have a better chance to catch a glimpse of the butterfly on warmer days. Keep an eye on the dashboard above and try to visit the park when the temperature peaks. Don't forget to bring your camera with you! [Click on "Relative air humidity" below for more].

Air temperature

Relative air humidity

Air quality in the park

Living Lab collects real-time air quality readings from sensor located near the pond area of Central Park.

Healthy Tip: Clean air benefits not only the environment but, also your health. Consider choosing green routes the next time you go on a trip across the city.

*AQI =Air Quality Index. **Thresholds based on the DEFRA air quality guidelines.

Other wildlife in the park

Common frog
Common frog
Holly blue butterfly
Holly blue butterfly

Feeling adventurous?

Why don't explore our beautiful park and check out all the signs with QR codes whilst learning about species inhabiting different areas of the park? Go ahead and find them all!

Map of Central Park and locations of interactive signs
Map of Central Park and locations of interactive signs

Get involved

Get involved and learn more about the Green Minds project, and our amazing wildlife in the parks and green spaces of Plymouth.