More improvements for Keyham coming soon!
More improvements are due to start in the Keyham greenspaces, including tree planting and enhancing wildlife meadows.
Last autumn, we were busy creating and improving areas of wildlife meadow in Alexandra Park, North Down Crescent Park and Knowle Avenue as part of the Keyham Greenspace Improvements. In the next few months, we’ll be oversowing the wildlife meadow seed mix to further help these areas establish – keep an eye on our events page for how you can get involved! Click here for more details on what to expect from creating wildlife meadows in Keyham.
In the next few weeks, you can expect to see tree planting starting in Alexandra Park, North Down Crescent Park and Knowle Avenue. Most of the trees will be native (naturally found in the UK) and there’ll be a few ornamental trees – this means the planting will be great for wildlife and can be enjoyed by people too. Following feedback from the consultation, trees have been carefully chosen so they do not impact views and give a variety of colour and blossom through the seasons.
After the wildlife meadow and tree planting improvements have taken place, we plan to install picnic benches in Alexandra Park and North Down Crescent based on feedback from the consultation and co-design process with the community.
Marley Park and Linear Park
This spring, we will also begin improvements to Marley Park and Linear Park. As feedback on the designs were positive during consultation, the improvements should be light touch and very similar to the draft designs.
In the next few months, some small areas of wildlife meadow will be created in Marley Park and Linear Park, as shown on the greenspace designs.
Feedback from the community showed that Linear Park currently gets very wet and muddy. Therefore some ground investigations on-site will take place to see what may be causing this and whether it is possible to address. This means there’ll be a few temporary holes dug throughout the park while contractors take soil samples, and temporary signs will be put up in the park when this is due to happen.