Cubs & Mini-Police plant whips & wildflowers in Keyham!
Last week the Cubs from Keyham (St Mark) Scout group and the mini-police from local schools got involved with improving Keyham’s greenspaces.
After local residents helped create a community orchard in the Knowle Avenue greenspace last week, the Cubs from Keyham (St Mark) Scout group recently spent an evening planting tree whips to create a hedgerow as part of Keyham's Greenspace Plan. The Cubs will continue to care for the trees to help them flourish over the next few years!
The following day, a whopping 75 children from the mini-police at Keyham Barton, Drake Primary and Ford Primary schools, spent their social action session in North Down Crescent Park creating a small wildflower meadow!
The children got involved with sowing wildflower seeds from Pollenize’s Seeds for Schools project and playing wildlife-themed games learning about bats, bees and other insects. Before heading back to their schools, the mini-police joined Clean our Patch for a litter pick around the park.
A fixed-point photography post was also installed so anyone who spends time in North Down Crescent Park can get involved with showing how the wildflower meadow evolves over time.
We’d like to say a massive thank you to PC Deb Hart and the mini-police team, Pollenize, Plymouth Natural Grid, Chris Parkes Photographer, Fotonow, Clean our Patch and of course, the teachers and children from the local schools, for making the social action event such a success.
Keep an eye out for more news from the mini-police coming soon!